Guest articles
An article for Historia Magazine on how the personal was the political in the Middle Ages.
I did an interview for BBC History Magazine to talk about Matilda.
More battles! This time it’s Sandwich in 1217, England’s first great naval victory.
An interview with Historia Magazine on my career to date.
A Q&A with my friend and colleague Sean McGlynn on our differing perspectives of the Battle of Lincoln.
One on crime writing for a change – how have I been influenced by Agatha Christie? For the History Press.
The forgotten king of England: a piece on Louis for the Yale University Press blog.
England’s forgotten king: yes, it’s Louis again, this time for Historia Magazine.
Why did I decide to write historical crime fiction? A Q&A for publisher The History Press.
What was ordinary life like in the thirteenth century? A blogpost I wrote for the History Press.
The king of England nobody’s ever heard of? A blogpost on King Louis, written for the Young Historian blog.
A piece on one of the thirteenth century’s forgotten heroes, Nicola de la Haye, written for women’s history month on Sarah’s History blog.
An article on how I created Edwin Weaver, on Mme Guillotine’s blog.
An article on why it’s important to read about the lives of ordinary people in history, on the Royalty-free fiction blog.
I did another podcast with Historically Thinking, this time about Two Houses, Two Kingdoms.
Podcasts are getting very popular! This one on Two Houses, Two Kingdoms with Gone Medieval.
A podcast about Matilda on Historically Thinking.
A podcast I recorded for BBC History Magazine about Matilda.
I contributed to an episode of Sam Willis’s TV series ‘Invasion!’, talking about Louis.